sobota 15. prosince 2012

Study Tips: How to get the most from StudyMinder
The StudyMinder Homework System can help you develop your study skills, get organized and improve your grades.
Use these study strategies to design your own personal study program. And then follow it every day.

Keep your assignment notes together
Make one section of your school notebook for new assignments. Label it "Assignments". While in class, write down new assignments and upcoming tests in the Assignments section of your notebook.
When you come home from school, you won't have to search through all of your class notes to find new assignments. They will all be listed together in the same place. This prevents you from forgetting about tests or misplacing assignments.

Enter new homework assignments first
Use StudyMinder as your homework organizer. Before you do anything else, enter your new homework assignments into StudyMinder. Good study skills won't help you if you forget about assignments! Once new assignments are entered, you'll see exactly how much studying you have to do, and you can plan your time to get it all done.

Make accurate study time estimates
With StudyMinder, you estimate how much time it will take you to complete each assignment and prepare for each test. Then StudyMinder shows you the total time you'll need to study to complete all of your assignments. The better your estimates, the better you can plan your time.
If you are not sure, it's better to estimate too high than too low. That way you'll give yourself plenty of time, just in case you need it. And you'll probably get done sooner than you thought.

Schedule time to study
You can use StudyMinder's Events Mode to schedule your study time. StudyMinder will let you know if you have not scheduled enough time to finish all of your assignments. You can also make use of the recurring events feature and schedule your study time for the same time every day. That will help you establish a study routine and build good study habits.
Update the status when you're done with an assignment. This will help you see your progress in completing the day's homework.

Keep an eye on big assignments
In Homework Mode, StudyMinder shows you the total time required to finish each day's assignments. But if you only look at tomorrow, you may forget about big assignments coming up. Check Today's Reminders. It will recommend how much time you should study today. This amount takes into consideration all upcoming assignments.
Each assignment in StudyMnder has a Notes section you can use to add reminders and comments. For big assignments, enter notes about what you have completed so far. And remember to add your Study Sessions even when the entire assignment is not done.

Enter your grades
StudyMinder lets you enter the grades you receive for each test and assignment. When you get an assignment back, add your grade to StudyMinder. You can see your current grade average in the GPA menu.
By going back and reviewing your grades, you'll be able to see where you need to concentrate your homework efforts.

Be honest with yourself
StudyMinder is your personal tool to stay organized and do your best. Use it as a homework diary. The more accurate the information you give StudyMinder, the more it will help you.
  • Make sure to add all your assignments
  • Give your best estimate for each assignment's completion time
  • Enter the true amount of time you study for each assignment
  • Add your grades for each assignment
You'll soon have a lot of information about which classes are the most difficult, where you need to focus your efforts and how much time you really need to study to get the best grades.

Additional Tips

Get help when you need it
Don't guess if you are not sure about something. Ask your teachers, parents and classmates if you can't figure something out. There are also lots of Internet sites where you might be able to find the answers.

Do your hardest assignments first
StudyMinder lets you set the difficulty of each assignment when you enter it. Take a look at your assignment list and get the hardest assignments done first.
There are many reasons to do the hardest first.
  • You are less tired.
  • If you need help, you still have time to ask your parents, call a friend or do research on the Internet.
  • Best of all, you can look forward to having the easier, and more fun assignments to work on later.

neděle 28. října 2012

sobota 14. července 2012

Air Tangan

Percayalah, orang yang cemerlang ialah orang yang ceria. Dia melaksaanakan apa jua aktiviti hidupnya dengan rasa gembira. Sama ada aktiviti yang berkait dengan Tuhan (habluminallah), mahupun aktiviti yang berkait dengan manusia (habluminannas), semuanya dibuat dengan gembira .

Ceria yang dimaksudkan di sini bukanlah terkinja-kinja atau tertawa terbahak-bahak, tetapi rasa senang, tenang, rasa bebas dan lapang di dalam hati.
Tidak percaya? Cuba imbau kembali hasil kerja kita yang dirasakan paling berkualiti, sama ada  tulisan, masakan, lukisan, persembahan atau apa sahaja… Ingat semula bagaimana hati kita sewaktu menghasilkannya. Insya-Allah, pada waktu itu mesti hati kita dalam keadaan ceria. Mustahil kita dapat menghasilkan satu kerja yang baik sewaktu dilanda perasaan sedih, benci ataupun marah.
Aliran kegembiraan akan mengukir mutu yang tinggi pada hasil pekerjaan kita. Itulah yang dimaksudkan ‘air tangan’ dalam pekerjaan kita. Air tangan itu hakikatnya adalah aliran keceriaan yang mengalir daripada diri kepada pekerjaan kita. Bukan sahaja kerja malah wajah kita juga diukir oleh kegembiraan itu. Kata bijak pandai, “jika hati baik, wajah akan sentiasa cantik.” Salah satu ciri hati yang baik, adalah ceria!
Kata pakar-pakar psikologi dan motivasi, sepuluh minit terawal sebaik sahaja bangun daripada tidur akan menentukan kecemerlangan kita pada hari tersebut. Jangan hendaknya fikiran, perasaan dan hati kita dicemari oleh sesuatu yang buruk, jahat dan kotor. Saranan mereka, senyum, cakap yang baik-baik, rasa yang indah-indah, sebaik sahaja bangun daripada tidur.

pátek 25. května 2012

Semoga Berjaya!!

Assalamualaikum wbt n' ahoj.

Musim exam sudah tiba, Czemsa Praha mengucapkan :

ALL THE BEST in your study and ALL THE BEST in your Exams. Ma'at taufiq wannajah fi imtihan. Semoga semua BERJAYA dgn CEMERLANG.

Some of the oral examination tips (can google for more tips)
Practice talking in front of a mirror so that you can evaluate your body language. Or talk with your friend who also preparing for the same exam.
Show up at least a few minutes early so that you can gather your thoughts and not feel rushed.
Dress accordingly and make yourself comfortable.
Greet, smile, maintain good eye contact and posture. 
Pay close attention to the questions asked. If you don't understand the question ask for clarification or ask your instructor to repeat the question.
Speak in complete sentences. Try not to give one or two word answers, whenever possible.
Be sure to thank the instructor for his/her time when you are finished with the test.

Fight the laziness 

Banyakkan solat, istighfar, doa dan bersyukur. Semoga Tuhan membuka jalan untuk kita diwaktu kita dalam kesusahan (terlupa, gagap, cuak etc)

Semoga Berjaya!!

středa 25. dubna 2012

Overcome Stress

Discomfort is one thing, but stress can affect your health, says ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser. Whether you're like John in Episode 7 and you have a big job interview, or you're simply plowing through some errands, here are Besser's everyday tips for cutting stress right away.

1. Exercising is the most proactive thing we can do to combat stress and anxiety, Besser says. Walking to the office or taking the stairs to your workplace will have an immediate impact on your body and mind.

2. Sleeping is another strong habit to cut stress. Resting and waking regularly will help your body keep pace with your routine.

3. Taking a deep breath before the big presentation or some mind-numbing administrative work can work wonders too. Besser says studies demonstrate that controlled breathing reduces stress hormones, which will make you and your colleagues much happier for the rest of the day.

čtvrtek 19. dubna 2012


waaaaaaaaa....what's coming up ?
it's our SPRING DAY OUT !
come and join us !!!
ooppss and don't forget...potluck! nom nom nom yummy! =p
Date : 28th April 2012

neděle 15. dubna 2012

MBBS Exam Tips

MBBS Exam Tips : Just Before Exam
Now here are few tips to follow just before the Examination.

What is the hindrance to success?
1. Non preparedness.: It is impossible to get through an MBBS exam if you are reading for the exam just a day before it, unless you are too lucky or Super-genius. A day to day reading and preparation is the motto. Searching for pen, scale, etc at last moment.
2. Improper study and revision plan: Inability of the student to divide time for different subjects and different chapters within subject during final preparation is another issue.
3. Panicky- really a serious issue: You know but you can’t recall because you are anxious. Your mind is not working just the heart is pumping because of anxiety.
4. Unnecessary stress by trying to overdo things- Trying to remember something in too much detail may cause unnecessary stress. Comparing yourself to others and feeling guilty is another mistake. Fear of result is unnecessary .
5. Over Confidence- confidence is good but over confidence may land you up in disaster specially in viva and practical exams.
6. Neglecting the past questions

MBBS Exam a Time of Burden

Night before the exam:
1. Consult and discuss the preparation with your friends. You may be missing something important.
2. Make sure you complete your chapters by night. Keep the morning for revision.
3. Make sure you have not forgotten to ready your tools like pen, scale, clip board, rubber, Admit card etc.
4. Take frequent short rest. Close eyes but not your mind. Recall the topics you’ve read. Such rest time can be of 10 minutes. It’ll rest your eyes and improve your concentration.
5. Sleep adequate so that you won’t have a hangover in the morning. But don’t over sleep which will cause you to panic next day.

Morning of the Exam:
6. Wake up, take a cup of coffee with light breakfast. Include an apple which will freshen you up.
7. Plan atleast 4-6 hours for final reading in the morning ie flash revision. During this go through the most important chapters, go through the headings and subheadings and points( Skip the texts as you have read it before). Take time to recall the formula, Mnemonics and points.
8. Last moment reading is Worthless does not apply for MBBS exam. Go through the most probable topics again if time is available even before you enter the exam hall.You may see the question from the last moment chapter and then you will see how your hand runs smoothly on the answer paper.

In the Examination Hall-
1. Reach at least 10 minutes before the start time.
2. Fill Your details in Answer paper clearly and stay calm. Do anything that will give you extra impression and marks like drawing margins etc.
3. Stay calm and read the questions from 1 to last once and decide which section you are to start with. Make sure that 1st question you answer is the one you know well as it’ll boost your confidence for rest of the paper.
4. Divide the time for each question. Make sure you don’t miss question. Remember answering 3 questions and getting 3 marks each is not better than answering 4 in short and getting 2.5 each. Cut short if time is less but answer all.
5. Answer as neatly as possible and leave adequate spacing between words. It’ll make paper look cleaner and answer look lengthier.
6. Do not try to fool the examiner by repeating the same sentence again and again trying to elongate the answer. Describe well but get to the point at right time. Don’t just hit around the bush until examiner is frustrated with your answer.
7. Keep sometime to recheck your paper.

After the exam-
Sleep atleast 1-2 hours before starting preparation for next subject. It works like resetting your PC and created memory for next subject. It will also give you ability to wake late.
After the Examination is complete-
Forget about the exam. Don’t take too much stress for result. But learn from you experience and improve them in coming exam.

All though, you may read hundreds of tips online, its you who should decide which are good for you and which aren’t. So don’t ignore your own idea.

čtvrtek 15. března 2012

Ordinary Student, Extraordinary MuDr. [OSEM]

Assalamualaikum wbt dan selamat malam.

Apa khabar warga Czemsa Praha hari ini. Esok dah jumaat, kemudian "weekend" !! this week might be tiring, But let's be grateful we made it to the end.

Tentu ramai yg dah tahu tentang OSEM yg dianjurkan oleh CzeMSA Pusat.
Butir-butir program adalah seperti berikut:

( Ordinary Student, Extraordinary MuDR)
Prof. Madya Dr Harlina Halizah Hj Siraj

Leisure, Informative, Inspirational
31st March- 1st April 2012
Hotel Černigov
Riegrovo náměstí 1494, CZ – 500 02,
Hradec Králové 

Ini merupakan satu peluang utk menimba ilmu dan pengalaman daripada Dr. Harlina yg merupakan seorang doktor yang suka berkongsi bersama pelajar. Save the date and grab this chance!

Untuk mendapatkan info tambahan, boleh klik: OSEM

neděle 11. března 2012


Dengar citer kat prague nie ada jual durian, mempelam, kek apollo pandan!!!!!!
biar betul??????????


Barang2x pon murah!!!!!!
sesetengah barang  50% lagi murah berbanding dgn kedai Thai di Prague......
macam2x ader kat sane.......

coklat, seafood, ikan, alatan dapur, alatan rumah, kedai perabot, bubble tea,makanan, sayur-sayuran hijau yg  susah nak jumpa di Prague....baju, shawl, toileteries, stationary, kasut, bag, hand bag, bear, hiasan2x rumah, kedai bunga( tapi bunga plastik la....hehehehe...mcm kat malaysia)....senang citer sumer benda pon ade laaaaaaaaaa...............x mampu nak tulis di sini...kui3x...yg penting lebih murah berbanding di Prague nieee... 

apa name tempat tu???

haaa, apa lagi...jom kita pakat ramai-ramai p SAPA  :P

tapi macam mane nak g sane? kat mane? naik ape?
mudah jer.... 
1. Naik metro line B ke Kačerov.
2. Naik bus 113 ke Sidliste Pisnice
3. Jeng2x....SAPA berada di sebelah kiri anda

pukul berapa SAPA start beroperasi??
setiap hari dari pukul 9 pagi-9 mlm

Bila dah masuk SAPA, nak g arah mane plak???
utk mudahkan perjalanan, bila dah masuk SAPA, belok ke kiri dan berjalan sehingga ke hujung SAPA. Di bhgn paling blkg SAPA ader deretan supermarket, kedai bunga, alatan rumah dan dapur n etc....boleh la nak shopping udang, ketam, ikan, daun bwg, bendi, santan, biskut2x, mknn2x, toileteries n etc...kalu beli lagi bnyk, lebih murah!!!!!!!!!!!

dah hbs shopping tu, boleh la bergerak ke bangunan lain utk shopping baju, shawl, kasut, bag, handbag, socks, seluar, sweater n etc plak....hehehehe...make sure prepare duit bnyk2x... senang citer macam kedai payang dkt terengganu wooo.....

kepada peminat bubble tea, ada kedai bubble tea di sana dan harganya 9 kc lebih murah berbanding di muzeum...choice pon lebih, bila dah penat bershopping tu, boleh la berehat sebentar....

di hujung skali, ader deretan kedai yg menjual brg2x basah seperti sawi, durian, ikan segar tofu n etc....

sedikit perbandingan harga barang2x di SAPA berbanding di Prague:
1.santan 400 ml- 35 kc
2. cili padi satu bungkus-20 kc
3.daum kesum satu bungkus - 20 kc
4.toblerone 100 g( tym nie tgh akce)- 20 kc
5.Lays 160 g Strong Chilli & Lime- 19.90 kc
6. tepung beras sebungkus- 30 kc
7. tapioca flour- 25 kc
n etc

utk seafood, 20-40 kc lebih murah drpd kedai thai dan dlm pelbagai saiz dan jenis

nie komen2x dari beberapa pelajar malaysia yg pernah pergi ke SAPA:

"Bila sampai SAPA, rase macam berada luar drpd czech republic...mcm ada dekat Asian country. Seronok sbb dapat shopping brg2x murah."

"WOW!!!!!!Bestnya!!!!!..murah dan rambang mata"

"Premis 1: saya suka makan... permis 2: SAPA bnyk mknn...jadi, saye suka dtg SAPA"

"Pergi skali macam nak pergi lagi"

"rindukan masakan malaysia yang asli tp xcukup bahan? SAPA ada segalanya pada separuh harga. tempat yang sesuai utk berjimat"

P/S: Dgr citer kat SAPA tu ader jual mask, so sape2x yg riso x de mask utk pakai tym farewell dinner tu, boleh la dtg beli kat SAPA nie...


pondělí 5. března 2012

sobota 3. března 2012

today. brand new day :)

taken from :tumblr

sit.close your eyes. reflect.

  1. Clean your room.
  2. Turn off your cell-phone. | get rid of any & all distractions.
  3. Let your family/friends know that you’re going to be busy for about 31 minutes or so and not to disturb you [feel free to be more detailed in what you’re doing].
  4. Lock your door. Make sure you’re alone.
  5. Candles? It sets the mood.
  6. Turn off the lights.
  7. Pray. & I mean, pray.
  8. Afterwards just sit there and think.
Think about your life.
Think about your actions. 
Think about your intentions. 
What you want to change, how you want to change it. 
Think about death. 
Think about your mother or father or sister or brother or uncle or grandmother or whoever you’re living with dying. 
Think of how you’ll react. 
Think of Paradise and it’s joys. Think of Hell-fire and its torments. 
Think of your characteristics, your life, your emotions, your feelings. 
Just think about your life.

We’re always on the go, always being distracted, always busy, always lazy, always having too much to do and not enough time to do it. So take a moment to just dedicate a few moments for yourself. To reflect on your life. How you want it to be, what you don’t like about it, and how you’ll change it. Just sit there and reflect. 

#taken from : tumblr

středa 29. února 2012

úterý 14. února 2012

Tips For Medical Student Entering Intern Year

Assalamualaikum wbt, and dobry den

Tidak berapa lama lagi, anak Malaysia sulung yg belajar di Czech akan pulang ke tanah air utk berkhidmat. Sebagai adik, saya sendiri tak dapat membayangkn perasaan abang dan kakak sulung kita ni. Going into Intern is always a big challenge. Yet we have seen many physician who survived it, and I (and I believe the others too), believe that our bros and sis can do it. May everyone survive the challenging working hours as Intern, and be a successful Dr. in future.

I got this from a blog. This is one tip for medical student entering Intern year.

It’s ok to be absolutely terrified. I was so nervous when I did my first speculum exam as a resident that it took me five minutes to realize that the speculum was actually broken and that I wasn’t just a complete idiot that didn’t know how to use it. Being nervous reminds us that we are taking care of people who are sick and we shouldn’t be nonchalant about it. When I did my first delivery, I think I almost vomited. Being scared is totally normal.

So, it is normal for medical students to be terrified. Even now we can't avoid from being nervous when going to exams. Believe in ourselves, and don't let any negative aura affect us. 

When we have made a choice, just go with it. Work hard and smart to achieve our dreams. And at the same time, keep on tawakkal (Arabic word that means Trust or reliance). Because we all believe that God controls what will happen in our life. If something unfavorable happen, trust and rely on Him. Make prayers. He always hear us.(unknown :))

Summer semester is coming. Let's enjoy our study and appreciate the moments and chances that we have. Build good relations with professors, friends and the community. Last but not least, (as a reminder) start preparing for the final exams. May everything be easy for all of us.

středa 8. února 2012

A simple reminder for all of us

Assalamualaikum and good night everyone. Just want to share a simple thought. 

Still struggling with exams and the cold weather?


 - E

Verily then along with every hardship is ease.Verily along with every hardship is ease.