pátek 25. května 2012

Semoga Berjaya!!

Assalamualaikum wbt n' ahoj.

Musim exam sudah tiba, Czemsa Praha mengucapkan :

ALL THE BEST in your study and ALL THE BEST in your Exams. Ma'at taufiq wannajah fi imtihan. Semoga semua BERJAYA dgn CEMERLANG.

Some of the oral examination tips (can google for more tips)
Practice talking in front of a mirror so that you can evaluate your body language. Or talk with your friend who also preparing for the same exam.
Show up at least a few minutes early so that you can gather your thoughts and not feel rushed.
Dress accordingly and make yourself comfortable.
Greet, smile, maintain good eye contact and posture. 
Pay close attention to the questions asked. If you don't understand the question ask for clarification or ask your instructor to repeat the question.
Speak in complete sentences. Try not to give one or two word answers, whenever possible.
Be sure to thank the instructor for his/her time when you are finished with the test.

Fight the laziness 

Banyakkan solat, istighfar, doa dan bersyukur. Semoga Tuhan membuka jalan untuk kita diwaktu kita dalam kesusahan (terlupa, gagap, cuak etc)

Semoga Berjaya!!